Cara Seaira Paramdhyana
Sessions can include specific poses for your body's needs and selected meditations with or without chanting mantra that can be like mental, emotional, spiritual medications.;]
A Yogic Ayurvedic Diet can also be discussed for your personal needs.
Sat Santokh & Prabhu Nam Kaur, Bay Area, CA... And over 1000 hours of trained bodywork & spiritual education
check out her bio..
Your free spirit & inner child are welcome! :)
If you'd like a private session, a kriya recipe can be created for you, with any particular organ & chakra focus,
please email
or text (631) 678-7591
Huwman Peaceior Chakra Rock
painted textile series by Seaira 2013
:: Awaken the Healer within ::
With Kundalini Yoga & Reiki Energy Healing
(offered to the public & privately, please email Seaira if interested)
This Wellness Workshop Series teaches the beginning foundation to energy healing through learning & connecting to the basics about the chakras. When our chakras are in balance, the state of our well being is optimal- uplifted & grounded. In this workshop, students will have the opportunity to nurture the healer within by learning simple tools to clear & charge one's energy field with sound, color visualization and movement.
These exercises can raise one's E.Q!- Emotional Intelligence. E-motions are merely energy in motion, and to reach a state of harmony/homeostasis energy must remain in motion for feeling brings
healing & clearing,
more vitality, stagnation/suppression causes tension..
The chakras are the energy stations in our body, in sanskrit, chakra means "wheel of light". The huwman body is not only flesh and bone, but also has a light & energy field that flows in spiral motion (as all life does). The main 7 chakras the class will go over, are along the spine and each govern a vital endocrine gland and foster a particular layer of our well being; physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Each chakra also has a color and a sound frequency note that can clear and charge the energy in each section of our body. Seaira created paintings that can be on display and referenced for ease of comprehension. Prints of Paintings are also available..
((( Come clear & Rock ya ChakRaS with Seaira :)))
Email her today if interested in receiving this workshop series virtually!
From Root to Crown~~ Lam, Vam, Ram, Yam, Ham, Om, are the ancient Sanskrit
words from India, they can be "hummed" within or aloud.
* The chakras are the energy stations in our body, in sanskrit, chakra means "wheel of light".
The huwman body is not only flesh and bone, but also has a light & electromagnetic energy field that flows in spiral motion (as all life does). The main 7 chakras are along the spine and each govern a vital endocrine gland & organ system and foster a particular layer of our well being; physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Each chakra has a color and a sound frequency note that can clear and charge the energy in each section of our body.
* A Yantra is an image for meditation. This painting is intended for a safe & pure Energy Healing Experience - A personal Tune-Up - to bring in more life-force, more grounding, by clearing & charging each chakra from the left to the right, bottom to top. The left, counter-clockwise spiral unwinds tension/blockages, clearing it. Practice a few long deep relieving breaths with each mantra and chant each one on each side a few times.. The right, clockwise spiral charges the positive energy of grounding & uplifting each chakra. Use & feel your intuition for how long to be with each chakra, allow the energy to move. Honor your breath & waterfall medicine (tears).
Namaste , Sat nam *:)
Below: A Chakra Yantra Painting, acrylic on Silk by Cara Seaira O'Brien, 2022 --prints available--
Oil on Canvas by Seaira, 2012 , "We are Energy ~ Inner Chi Micro with the MACRO Cosmos~~:)"